
Karl Jaspers’ 1931 statement about “Pope” visits to the United States, e.g. planned for 9-22-2015. (5-17-2015)



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This…continued…Web page examines the correctness of Jaspers’ view that “…Americans would not take the succession of St. Peter seriously!” (Man in the Modern Age, p 41)

Indeed! But, how about in practice? “No one believes in festal celebrations, not even the participants.” (41)

Also, why Jorge Mario Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) remarks that visiting Mexico without going to visit the “Madonna (of Guadalupe)…A war could break out!”

This Web page plans to examine the difference between Southwestern Austinian and Northeastern Thomistic Catholics, and the slaughter of Huguenots (protestants) in St. Augustine Florida.

(To be continued…)



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