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. A's question is referred to TA51 and my response to comments entitled "Religion and Language" beginning especially at paragraph <7>. I hope this is helpful, for I find it helpful when referred to specific clarifying sections of articles without having to sift through extensive material -- especially while reading material with words with special and sometimes destructive meanings. Perhaps someone someday will index the KJF in some special way. (Such language as "post modern" for example: I've found it has been objected to since it was first used. Its use though finally out-shouted the objections and it has become accepted by academia. Mr. A's questions are not unlike mine in requiring clarification. I went from academia to the "field" and upon returning -- through the Internet -- felt a little like Rip Van Ripple -- or was it Winkle -- only my leave was more than a thirty-year wink. At one point I thought of myself as Rip Van Linkle, for I began linking to see what was being done with Karl Jaspers for his works cannot be ignored but must be dealt with by the intellectually dishonest and by vulgar capitalizing movements.) |